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International Transactions on Computer Hardware and Electrical Engineering
Vol. 4, No. 4, Dec. 2018

Massive MIMO: A Survey of Benefits and Challenges

a Thai Nguyen University of Technology, Thai Nguyen, Viet Nam


Highlights and Novelties
1. The paper points out benefits of massive MIMO for wireless communication networks such as spectrum efficiency, energy efficiency, capacity improvement.

2. Channel models, pilot contamination, antenna configuration, low-cost equipment and other existing problems of massive MIMO are the main challenges to be improved for the networks.

3. The paper shows the opening topics for further work in order to improve the network performance.


Manuscript Abstract
Massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) has been regarded as a promising technique for the next generations of wireless communication networks. Massive MIMO refers the idea of equipping cellular base-station (BS) with a very large number of antennas that can mainly improve either the spectrum efficiency or energy efficiency. The network capacity is also improved to satisfy the increasing requirements of high rate of wireless communication networks in which different kinds of smart elements are integrated. This paper reviews the main advantageous points of massive MIMO ,and also shows the existing challenges that need to be solved for a better performance can be achieved. The capacity, the energy efficiency and the spectral efficiency are briefly analyzed together with other advantages. The massive MIMO antenna configurations, the pilot contamination, the channel models and the signal processing complexity are also mentioned as challenges. Explanations are also provided accordingly to each problems. Some opening topics are addressed to be focused in order to improve the network with massive MIMO.


 Massive MIMO   spectral efficiency   energy efficiency   pilot contamination   capacity   antenna array   channel models 


Copyright and Licence
© Copyright was transferred to International Computer Science and Engineering Society (ICSES) by all the Authors. This manuscript is published in Open-Access manner based on the copyright licence of Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0).


Cite this manuscript as
Minh Nguyen, "Massive MIMO: A Survey of Benefits and Challenges," International Transactions on Computer Hardware and Electrical Engineering, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 1-4, Dec. 2018.


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Manuscript ID: 201
Pages: 1-4
Submitted: 2018-11-26
Accepted: 2018-11-26
Published: 2018-12-30

Cited By (0)
Journal's Title
ITCHEE Cover Page


International Transactions on Computer Hardware and Electrical Engineering
ISSN: 2467-294X

ISSN: 2467-294X
Frequency: Quarterly
Accessability: Online - Open Access
Founded in: Dec. 2015
Publisher: ICSES
DOI Suffix: 10.31424/icses.itchee