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ICSES Transactions on Neural and Fuzzy Computing
Vol. 2, No. 4, Dec. 2019

Research and Development Effect on Innovation in Product and Process Concurrent Engineering

Original Paper
a Department of industrial Engineering, Yazd University, Yazd, Yazd
b University of Derby, Derby, United Kingdom (UK)


Highlights and Novelties
1- R&D innovation is developed for any related company or institure.

2- New approach for R&D in serial process for any related company or institure.

3- New approach for R&D in parallel process for any related company or institure.


Manuscript Abstract
Developing and designing new products are the main operating objectives of companies today. Today the industry that is changing rapidly, stop means Reacting to a slow death as the will have emerged and the commitment to continuous technological change and development, prioritizing the needs of customers and competitors. R & D (Research and Development) apart from its dependence on the technical and scientific development has a special economic sense too. Today in many countries, R & D investment reflects an organization or government to move beyond the current profits and improve efficiency and productivity in the future. Manufacturing Engineering Technology Department at the time is the bridge between R & D and production, which is initially limited to count and to produce more, and then develop action will produce the documentation, the full product line will move, and the new production line will start. Any change in the design takes this cycle. Concurrent engineering is a way to act to speed product design and product development process. In this paper, the role of R & D will be introduced and its effects on engineering topics at the same time will be evaluated. Thus, initially described R & D and the engineering design process and in linking the engineering and R & D to provide the combined model.


 Research & Development   Concurrent engineering   Product   Process   Innovation 


Copyright and Licence
© Copyright was transferred to International Computer Science and Engineering Society (ICSES) by all the Authors. This manuscript is published in Open-Access manner based on the copyright licence of Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0).


Cite this manuscript as
Alireza Goli, Anil Kumar, "Research and Development Effect on Innovation in Product and Process Concurrent Engineering," ICSES Transactions on Neural and Fuzzy Computing, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 1-8, Dec. 2019.


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Manuscript ID: 310
Pages: 1-8
Submitted: 2019-10-04
Revised: 2019-10-22
Accepted: 2019-10-23
Published: 2019-12-30

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Journal's Title
ITNFC Cover Page


ICSES Transactions on Neural and Fuzzy Computing
ISSN: 2717-0055

ISSN: 2717-0055
Frequency: Quarterly
Accessability: Online - Open Access
Founded in: Feb. 2018
Publisher: ICSES
DOI Suffix: 10.31424/icses.itnfc