ICSES Transactions on Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
Vol. 5, No. 2, Jun. 2019
Research Directions and Future Trends in Medical Image Segmentation | Miscellaneous
Editors' Choice |
Miscellaneous |
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a PRMCEAM, Amravati, India b Sama College, IAU, Shoushtar Branch, Shoushtar, Iran
Mr. Vikramsingh Parihar
orcid.org/ 0000-0002-8485-4809
Corresponding Author
Affiliation: PRMCEAM, Amravati, India
Tel: 8149293595
E-mail: vikramparihar05@gmail.com
2nd e-mail: vikramsingh.parihar@prmceam.ac.in
Webpage: https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=_ESd-7gAAAAJ&hl=en
Biography: Prof. Vikramsingh R. Parihar is an Assistant Professor in Electrical Department, PRMCEAM, Badnera-Amravati having 6 years of experience. He has received the B.E degree in Instrumentation from Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, India, in 2011 and the M.E degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, India, in 2014. He is the editorial board member of 26 recognized journals and the life member of ISTE, HKSME, ICSES, IAENG, ENZ, IJCSE and theIRED. His domain of research includes Electrical Engineering, Instrumentation, Electrical Power Systems, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Digital Image Processing, Neuro-Fuzzy Systems and has contributed to research in a noteworthy way by publishing 42 research papers in high indexed National/International Journals and 4 papers in IEEE Conferences. Mr. Vikramsingh Parihar's publications in ICSES
- Research Directions and Future Trends in Medical Image Segmentation
ICSES Transactions on Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Miscellaneous | Vol. 5, No. 2 | Pages 1-3 | Jun. 2019 Vikramsingh Parihar, Hamid Reza Boveiri - Book Proposal: Image Segmentation: A Guide to Image Mining
ICSES Transactions on Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Book Proposal | Vol. 4, No. 4 | Pages 95-102 | Dec. 2018 Vikramsingh Parihar, Hamid Reza Boveiri - Image Segmentation Based on Graph Theory and Threshold
ICSES Transactions on Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Book Chapter | Vol. 4, No. 4 | Pages 61-82 | Dec. 2018 Vikramsingh Parihar - A Survey and Comparative Analysis on Image Segmentation Techniques
ICSES Transactions on Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Book Chapter | Vol. 4, No. 4 | Pages 1-15 | Dec. 2018 Vikramsingh Parihar, Hamid Reza Boveiri - A Review and Comparative Analysis on Image Mining Techniques
ICSES Transactions on Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Book Chapter | Vol. 4, No. 4 | Pages 51-60 | Dec. 2018 Vikramsingh Parihar, Roshani Nage, Atul Dahane - A Novel Graph-based Image Mining Technique Using Weighted Substructure
ICSES Transactions on Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Book Chapter | Vol. 4, No. 4 | Pages 16-25 | Dec. 2018 Vikramsingh Parihar, Roshani Nage, Atul Dahane - ImgSeg2018: Cover Page, Bibliography, Preface and Table of Contents
ICSES Transactions on Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Miscellaneous | Vol. 4, No. 4 | Pages 1-6 | Dec. 2018 Hamid Reza Boveiri, Vikramsingh Parihar - Image Segmentation: A Guide to Image Mining
ICSES Transactions on Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Book Proposal | Vol. 4, No. 3 | Pages 1-8 | Nov. 2018 Vikramsingh Parihar, Hamid Reza Boveiri
This article has been retracted by International Computer Science and Engineering Society (ICSES) because of ethical misconduct, scientific distortion, or administrative error, and cannot be downloaded and used for any purpose based on the violation in ICSES Ethics in Publicationcall_made |
Retraction Note by the Editor-in-Chief
Highlights and Novelties
1- This editorial article discuses the evolution of medical image segmentation techniques.
2- The article ends with the discussion on the future trends and directions in this field.
3- In this article, some approaches are briefly discussed and compared.
4- Deep learning methods have also been included.
Manuscript Abstract
In the recent years, medical image analysis has turned to be the center of attention for the researchers and practitioners all over the world as it provides high-fidelity and minimally-invasive means for diagnosis, prognosis, therapy and follow-up procedures. Medical image processing techniques in the literature are concentrated vastly on the important processes of filtering, enhancement and object detection, and a variety of methods proposed to improve the image quality for both visual perception and feature detection where the image segmentation is indeed one of the most attractive yet complicated techniques. In this article, a brief updating on computational advances applied to medical image segmentation is provided along with the discussion of some popular methodologies for related medical image processing techniques.
Deep Learning Image Analysis Image Processing Image Segmentation Medical Imaging
Copyright and Licence
Copyright © International Computer Science and Engineering Society (ICSES). This article is an open-access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, supported by creativecommons.orgcall_made
Cite this manuscript as
Vikramsingh Parihar, Hamid Reza Boveiri, "Research Directions and Future Trends in Medical Image Segmentation," ICSES Transactions on Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 1-3, Jun. 2019.
For External Scientific Databeses

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