ICSES Transactions on Computer Networks and Communications
Vol. 3, No. 1, Dec. 2017
Cyber Security Solutions and Challenges in Ultrafast Internet Connecting Ultra-Smart Computational Devices | Miscellaneous
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a National Science Foundation, Washington, USA
Prof. Eduard Babulak
orcid.org/0000-0003-2450-090X Corresponding Author Affiliation: National Science Foundation, Washington, USA Tel: 613-673-3728 E-mail: babulak@yahoo.com 2nd e-mail: ebabulak@gmail.com Webpage: www.researchgate.net/profile/Eduard_Babulak Biography: Professor Eduard Babulak is accomplished international scholar, researcher, consultant, educator, professional engineer and polyglot, with more than thirty years of experience. He served as successfully published and his research was cited by scholars all over the world. He served as Chair of the IEEE Vancouver Ethics, Professional and Conference Committee.
He was Invited Speaker at the University of Cambridge, MIT, Yokohama National University and University of Electro Communications in Tokyo, Japan, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Sungkyunkwan University in Korea, Penn State in USA, Czech Technical University in Prague, University at West Indies, Graz University of Technology, Austria, and other prestigious academic institutions worldwide.
His academic and engineering work was recognized internationally by the Engineering Council in UK, the European Federation of Engineers and credited by the Ontario Society of Professional Engineers and APEG in British Columbia in Canada. He was awarded higher postdoctoral degree DOCENT - Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) in the Czech Republic, Ph.D., M.Sc., and High National Certificate (HNC) diplomas in the United Kingdom, as well as, the M.Sc., and B.Sc. diplomas in Electrical Engineering Slovakia.
His biography was cited in the Cambridge Blue Book, Cambridge Index of Biographies, Stanford Who’s Who, and number of issues of Who’s Who in the World and America.
He is Fellow of the Royal Society RSA, London, UK; Chartered Fellow. Mentor and Member of the ELITE Group of the British Computer Society, London, UK; 2013-2014 Invited Panel Member for National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program, USA; Expert Consultant for HORIZON 2020 & CORDIS FP6 - FP7 European Commission, Brussels, Belgium; Mentor and Senior Member of the IEEE and ACM, USA; Nominated Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology, London, UK and Distinguished Member of the ACM, USA; Chartered Member of the IET, London, UK; Professional Member of American Society for Eng. Education. Prof. Eduard Babulak's publications in ICSES
This article has been retracted by International Computer Science and Engineering Society (ICSES) because of ethical misconduct, scientific distortion, or administrative error, and cannot be downloaded and used for any purpose based on the violation in ICSES Ethics in Publicationcall_made |
Retraction Note by the Editor-in-Chief
Highlights and Novelties
1- I write this editorial to promote invite the distinguished researchers and authors to publish their articles in our Journal.
2- This editorial is a brief introduction to the state of the art of the Computer Networks and Communications, as well as the future research directions in the field of Next Generation Computer Networks and Communications.
3- The readers of this editorial will learn about the current and future research results and directions in the field of Ultra-fast Computer Networks, Ultra-Smart Computational Devices, Future Cyberspace and Cyber Security.
Manuscript Abstract
The ICSES Transactions on Computer Networks and Communications (ITCNC) Journal discusses the current and future trends of research, innovation and developments in Cyber Security and Future Ultra-Fast Internet and Ultra-Smart SCD’s.
The ITCNC Journal promotes creation of multidisciplinary multinational research teams and development of Next Generation of Fully Automated Cyberspace while utilizing Ultra-Smart Ubiquitous SCDs side by side with the advanced Cyber Security solutions for today and for tomorrow.
Editorial Next Generation of Computer Networks and Communications Cyber Security
Copyright and Licence
© Copyright was transferred to International Computer Science and Engineering Society (ICSES) by all the Authors. This manuscript is published in Open-Access manner based on the copyright licence of Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0).
Cite this manuscript as
Eduard Babulak, "Cyber Security Solutions and Challenges in Ultrafast Internet Connecting Ultra-Smart Computational Devices," ICSES Transactions on Computer Networks and Communications, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 1-2, Dec. 2017.
For External Scientific Databeses
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