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ICSES Transactions on Computer Networks and Communications
Vol. 1, No. 2, Nov. 2015

A Novel Optimum Approach for Misuse Detection

Original Paper
a Masjed-Soleiman Branch, Islamic Azad University (I.A.U), Masjed-Soleiman, Iran


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Manuscript Abstract
Detect Intrusion is an indispensable part of a security system. Activity of network becomes an essential part in modern life; on the other hand, number of threats and attacks in private and corporate networks are increasing. Therefore, there is a need for a performance method for detecting of intrusion networks. Detect of intrusion is defined by the problem of identifying misuse and abuse in computer systems. In this paper, a novel fuzzy-evolutionary system is presented to effectively detect the intrusion in networks at computer. So this scheme employs a hybridization of fake annealing empirical and tabu search procedure to recover the accuracy of fuzzy if-then guidelines as intrusion gauges. Both of these systems have its beneficial and detrimental. So, using the cross models of both routes, the anticipated classification occupations the good structures of them to progress the exactness of gained rules. Valuation of the future system is done on the dataset which has info about standard and intrusive activities in linkages. Rests of our archetypal have been matched with quite a few well-known intrusion recognition systems.


 Component   intrusion detection   simulated annealing   search   fuzzy if-then rules. 


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© Copyright was transferred to International Computer Science and Engineering Society (ICSES) by all the Authors. This manuscript is published in Open-Access manner based on the copyright licence of Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0).


Cite this manuscript as
AbdolHamid MomenZadeh, "A Novel Optimum Approach for Misuse Detection," ICSES Transactions on Computer Networks and Communications, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 1-6, Nov. 2015.


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Manuscript ID: -13
Pages: 1-6
Submitted: 2015-10-01
Accepted: 2015-11-29
Published: 2015-11-30

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Journal's Title
ITCNC Cover Page


ICSES Transactions on Computer Networks and Communications
ISSN: 2588-5847

ISSN: 2588-5847
Frequency: Quarterly
Accessability: Online - Open Access
Founded in: Mar. 2015
Publisher: ICSES
DOI Suffix: 10.31424/icses.itcnc